KMI Wigan to Merseylink

Our KMI Wigan project is coming to a close so there aren’t many of staff left on site, however, everyone rallied to ensure the successful delivery of our mascot to the Mersey Gateway project.

We racked our brains to think of an unusual way to transport the bear and came up with the idea of a tuk tuk.

We were very lucky in that Geoff Morris from Manchester Tuk tuk was as enthusiastic as us.

The day before the event, we welcomed our colleagues from Bolton and took receipt of the bear and his bags. After a sleepover he was refreshed and settled quite comfortably into the Tuk tuk.

The original plan included only site champion Sharon Morris and the bear, but at the last minute colleague Dave Balbi jumped into the tuk tuk and joined in the journey to Mersey Gateway.

Sharon and Dave thoroughly enjoyed travelling in the tuk tuk, which attracted a lot of smiles and waves. The ride was very exhilarating (and at times a little scary). They were met by friends at the Mersey Gateway project and were met with much needed refreshments.

Colleagues from Interserve (part of our Kier Murphy Interserve Joint Venture) organised a raffle and made an astounding £287.65. Thank you Jill Heath and Yvonne Gaskell.