The team of Steve Mack, Angus Brettell, Tom Stevens, Chris Lane. Niall Meehan, Steph Smith made sure our bear was equipped with his own ski wear and snowboard.
There were no broken bones from the Team. However poor panda ended up somewhat wheelchair bound after a bad fall with fractured ankle and broken arm. But our team made sure they completed the appropriate paperwork and made sure he was well looked after.
The team split their journey into 4 legs, and varied the activities.
Leg 1
Five mile walk from Burghfield to the Cunning Man Pub was undertaken by Andrea Naylor, Neil Mclaren, Amritpal Singh and Jim Driver.
Leg 2
Five mile cycle / canoe / running to Reading by Tom Stevens, Guy Thomas, Jason Latif.
Leg 3
35 mile Cycle ride – Reading to Thames (London) – Steve Mack, Angus Brettell, Andrew Marshall.
Leg 4
Four mile run by Steve Mack from Westminster to Farrringdon for the handover.